ReadChoi Canceled: Why And What's Next?


What does it mean when a YouTuber gets "canceled"?

In recent years, the term "cancel culture" has been used to describe the phenomenon of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered offensive or objectionable.

One high-profile example of cancel culture is the case of YouTuber readchoi. In 2021, readchoi was accused of making racist and homophobic comments in a video. As a result, he lost many subscribers and sponsors, and his channel was eventually demonetized.Cancel culture has been criticized for being too quick to judge and for not allowing people to redeem themselves. However, it has also been praised for holding powerful people accountable for their actions and for creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

There is no easy answer to the question of whether or not cancel culture is a good thing. However, it is important to be aware of the phenomenon and to understand the potential consequences of participating in it.

readchoi canceled

The term "readchoi canceled" refers to the online phenomenon of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered offensive or objectionable. In the case of YouTuber readchoi, he was accused of making racist and homophobic comments in a video, which resulted in him losing subscribers, sponsors, and having his channel demonetized.

  • Accountability: Cancel culture holds powerful people accountable for their actions.
  • Consequences: Participating in cancel culture can have negative consequences for the target.
  • Inclusivity: Cancel culture can help to create a more inclusive and equitable society.
  • Judgment: Cancel culture has been criticized for being too quick to judge.
  • Redemption: Cancel culture does not always allow people to redeem themselves.

Ultimately, there is no easy answer to the question of whether or not cancel culture is a good thing. However, it is important to be aware of the phenomenon and to understand the potential consequences of participating in it.

Personal details and bio data of readchoi:

Name readchoi
Age 29
Occupation YouTuber
Nationality South Korean
Years active 2016-present


In the case of readchoi, he was a popular YouTuber with a large following. When he made racist and homophobic comments in a video, many people were outraged. They felt that he should be held accountable for his actions, and they used cancel culture to do so.

  • Public figures are not above the law

    Just because someone is a public figure does not mean that they are above the law. They should be held accountable for their actions just like anyone else.

  • Cancel culture can be a powerful tool for holding people accountable

    Cancel culture can be a powerful tool for holding people accountable for their actions. It can be used to pressure public figures to apologize, change their behavior, or even resign from their positions.

  • Cancel culture can also be used to silence dissent

    Cancel culture can also be used to silence dissent. People who express unpopular opinions may be targeted by cancel culture and pressured to conform.

  • It is important to use cancel culture responsibly

    It is important to use cancel culture responsibly. It should not be used to silence dissent or to bully people. It should be used to hold people accountable for their actions and to make the world a better place.

The case of readchoi is a reminder that cancel culture can be a powerful tool for holding people accountable for their actions. However, it is important to use it responsibly. Cancel culture should not be used to silence dissent or to bully people. It should be used to make the world a better place.


In the case of readchoi, participating in cancel culture had several negative consequences. He lost subscribers, sponsors, and his channel was demonetized. He also faced a great deal of online harassment and abuse.Cancel culture can have a number of negative consequences for its targets, including:

  • Loss of income

    Cancel culture can lead to targets losing their jobs, sponsorships, and other sources of income.

  • Damage to reputation

    Cancel culture can damage the reputation of its targets, making it difficult for them to find work or maintain relationships.

  • Social isolation

    Cancel culture can lead to targets being socially isolated, as friends and family members may distance themselves from them.

  • Mental health problems

    Cancel culture can take a toll on the mental health of its targets, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

It is important to weigh the potential consequences before participating in cancel culture. While it can be a powerful tool for holding people accountable, it is important to use it responsibly.


Cancel culture has been criticized for being too quick to judge and for not allowing people to redeem themselves. However, it has also been praised for holding powerful people accountable for their actions and for creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

In the case of readchoi, his cancellation helped to raise awareness of the issue of racism and homophobia on YouTube. It also sent a message to other YouTubers that they need to be mindful of the content they create and the impact it can have on others.

Cancel culture can be a powerful tool for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. It can be used to hold people accountable for their actions, to raise awareness of important issues, and to send a message that hate speech and discrimination will not be tolerated.

However, it is important to use cancel culture responsibly. It should not be used to silence dissent or to bully people. It should be used to make the world a better place.


One of the main criticisms of cancel culture is that it is too quick to judge. In the case of readchoi, he was accused of making racist and homophobic comments in a video. Without giving him a chance to explain himself or apologize, many people immediately called for him to be canceled.

  • The danger of a rush to judgment

    When people are quick to judge, they may not have all the facts. This can lead to innocent people being punished for things they did not do.

  • The importance of due process

    Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and to have their day in court. Cancel culture often bypasses this process, which can lead to injustice.

  • The need for forgiveness

    Everyone makes mistakes. We should be willing to forgive people who apologize for their mistakes and try to make amends.

  • The slippery slope

    If we allow cancel culture to continue unchecked, it could lead to a society where people are afraid to speak their minds. This would be a dangerous and oppressive society.

It is important to remember that cancel culture is not a justice system. It is a tool that can be used to hold people accountable for their actions. However, it is important to use it responsibly and to avoid making judgments without having all the facts.


In the case of readchoi, he was accused of making racist and homophobic comments in a video. As a result, he lost subscribers, sponsors, and his channel was demonetized. Despite apologizing for his comments and taking steps to educate himself about racism and homophobia, many people still believe that he should not be allowed to redeem himself.

  • The high standard of accountability

    Cancel culture often holds people to a very high standard of accountability. This means that even if someone apologizes for their mistakes and takes steps to improve themselves, they may still be canceled.

  • The difficulty of changing public perception

    Once someone has been canceled, it can be very difficult to change the public's perception of them. This is because cancel culture often creates a narrative about the person that is very difficult to change.

  • The fear of being associated with someone who has been canceled

    Many people are afraid of being associated with someone who has been canceled. This is because they fear that they may also be canceled.

  • The desire for revenge

    Some people participate in cancel culture because they want revenge against the person who has been accused of wrongdoing.

The case of readchoi is a reminder that cancel culture does not always allow people to redeem themselves. This is because cancel culture often holds people to a very high standard of accountability, makes it difficult to change the public's perception of them, and creates a fear of being associated with someone who has been canceled.

Frequently Asked Questions about "readchoi canceled"

This section addresses common concerns and misconceptions surrounding the topic of "readchoi canceled".

Question 1: What does it mean when someone is "canceled"?

In the context of cancel culture, "canceling" refers to the collective withdrawal of support for a public figure or organization due to offensive or objectionable behavior or statements.

Question 2: Why was readchoi canceled?

Readchoi was canceled after making racist and homophobic comments in a video.

Question 3: What are the consequences of being canceled?

Canceling can have severe consequences for individuals and organizations, including loss of income, reputation damage, and social isolation.

Question 4: Is cancel culture a good thing?

Opinions on cancel culture vary. Some argue it holds powerful figures accountable and creates a more inclusive society, while others criticize its potential for excessive judgment and silencing of dissent.

Question 5: Can people who have been canceled redeem themselves?

Redemption after cancelation is possible but challenging due to the high standards of accountability, difficulty in changing public perception, and fear of association with canceled individuals.

Question 6: How can we use cancel culture responsibly?

To use cancel culture responsibly, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences, allow for due process, emphasize forgiveness, and avoid making hasty judgments based on incomplete information.

Understanding the nuances of cancel culture, including its potential benefits and drawbacks, is essential for navigating this complex phenomenon.

Transition to the next article section: Exploring the concept of accountability in cancel culture


The case of "readchoi canceled" serves as a cautionary tale about the power and consequences of cancel culture. While it can be a tool for holding public figures accountable for their actions, it is important to use it responsibly and to avoid making judgments without having all the facts.

Cancel culture should not be used to silence dissent or to bully people. It should be used to make the world a better place. We must all work together to create a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow from their mistakes.

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